Author Guidelines
Only research articles/papers and book reviews which have not been published or are not under review for publication elsewhere should be sent for review and consideration for publication with the JDP. A declaration to this effect should accompany the manuscript submitted for review.
The articles/papers will be initially screened on the parameters listed below before being sent for review:
- The title and theme are appropriate and relevant and in keeping with the goal and scope of the journal.
- The article has an abstract of about 150 words.
- The article meets the expected grammatical standards.
- Length of article - main body (excluding abstract, tables, references and notes) between 3000 to 6000 words.
- In conformity with the JDP style of reference as given below.
The articles/papers meeting these requirements will then be reviewed on the criteria of contemporariness, relevance, originality, application of theory, its scope and potential for application in the field. Every article will go through a double peer-review process which may take up to two months. Every article will also be copy edited.
Mode of submission
- All submission should be done in an electronic form only (A4, any editable document format) at this site, after registering yourself as an author.
- The text of the body of the article/paper should be typeset with single spacing, two columns, with margin measuring half inch on all sides,
- The first page should contain the title of the article and the name/s of the author/s or author blurb, contact details of the corresponding author.
- The font size of the title of the article should be 12 pt, while the rest of the content 11 pt.
- The typeface should be Times New Roman.
Declaration by authors
Each article has to be accompanied by the declaration of the author/s:
- That the article is original and has not been published anywhere or is not under review elsewhere.
- That they are the authors and in the order listed in the article, and that there is no conflict of interest between them.
- In case the article has more than 500 words or includes table/s or image/s from other published work, a copy of written permission from the copyright holder of the concerned material is to be enclosed with the manuscript.
Registering for submitting articles
Authors intending to submit articles/papers need to register with the journal before submitting their articles. Please click on the link below (or copy and paste in your browser) and follow the process:
JDP Style of Citation and Referencing
Citation Style
1. When citing quotes – use single or double inverted comas, but once started be consistent throughout the text:
‘Development is a process that addresses human living condition.’ Or
“Development is a process that addresses human living condition.â€
2. Put the full stop inside the inverted coma:
‘Development is a process that addresses human living condition.’
3. Put coma (,) outside the inverted coma and then continue the sentence if required
‘Development is a process that addresses human living condition’, environment and etc...
4. Put question mark inside the inverted coma:
‘Does development address human living condition?’
5. Listing authors – Enclose the surname/s of the author/s followed by a single space, year, colon space and page number within parentheses
‘Development is a process that addresses human living condition’, environment and etc... (Islary 2008: 5) or (Islary and Narzary 2009: 37) or (Koikara, Islary and Narzary 2010: 44).
6. Using the name of author/s as part of a sentence:
According to Islary and Narzary (2009: 4) ‘development is a process that addresses human living condition.’
Alternatively you may also use
According to Islary and Narzary ‘development is a process that addresses human living condition’ (2009: 4).
7. Citing more than five lines
Intend the quote by five spaces from both right and left and make the fond size 2 points less than the fond size of the text in the body. Avoid the inverted comas.
8. Adding emphasis: either italicise a normal text or non-italicize the italicised text and use [emphasis added]:
‘Development is a process that addresses human [emphasis added] living condition’ (Islary 2008: 5). Or
‘Development is a process that addresses human [emphasis added] living condition’ (Islary 2008: 5).
9. Ellipses: Use ellipses (three dots/ ...) to show omission of some words/contents in a quotation as
‘Development is a process that addresses human living condition ... including housing and health care’ (Islary 2008: 5).
Referencing Style
The style of referencing in JDP should follow the general guidelines given below:
Surname of the author, Name of the author, Year. Title of the Book. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Arrange the list of references in an alphabetical order.
Indent the second (other) line/s of the references by five spaces.
Particular Cases with Examples
1. A book with single author
Islary, J. 2010. Understanding Deviancy: A Sociological Perspective. Guwahati: Don Bosco Publications.
2. A book with more than one author (List all the names of the authors as given below)
Koikara, B., Islary, J. and Narzary, V. 2011. Participatory Research: An Experience from the Field. Guwahati: Don Bosco Publications.
3. Article in an edited book
Islary, J. 2012. Counselling in Schools. In- The Fields of Social Work Practice. Islary, J and Narzary, V. (eds.). Guwahati: Don Bosco Publications.
4. When only editor/s are known
Narzary, V. and Islary, J. (eds). 2011. Colonial Construct of the Tribes. Guwahati: Don Bosco Publications.
5. Article from Journal/s
Islary, J. 2013. Social work practice with families. The Journal of Development Practice. Vol.1(1). pp. 33–49.
6. Government Reports
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Assam. 2010. Health Status of Assam. Guwahati.
7. Institutional Reports
Assam Don Bosco University. 2010. Mental health in University. Guwahati.
8. If the same author/institution has been referred to more than once (list by the order of the year and if same year put a, b, c…. as shown below enclosed in parenthesis).
Assam Don Bosco University. 2010. Mental Health in Universities. Guwahati.
_____. 2011(a). Siltation and Ecological Risk in Wetlands of Assam. Guwahati.
_____. 2011(b). Community Mental health: A Baseline Study. Guwahati.
_____. 2013. Participatory Development Practice. Guwahati
 9. In case of an article without author’s name (write the first three words of the article followed by four dots, the year, etc., as given below)
Democratic values are…. 2010. Democratic values are based on, The Spark. September 2013.
 10. When a reference has no date of publication, no publisher or no place of publication (state ‘no date’, ‘no publisher’, ‘no place of publication’).
Osize, B. no date. Psychological Assessment of Rural India. No publisher: No place of publication.
 11. For citations from internet sources (Give the URL and date of access).
Unforgettable Langtukapam Remote …. 2013. Source: (Accessed on 20th February 2014).