Exploring the relationship between Academic Motivation and Achievement: A study of University Students in North-East India

Hadrian Emmiyooki Rymbai, Pradeep Kumar Deka


The relationship between academic motivation and academic achievement among university students in North-East India are investigated in this study. This study examines the factors that influence academic motivation, namely intrinsic motivation (Knowledge, Accomplishment, and Stimulation) extrinsic motivation (Introjected regulation, External regulation, and Identified regulation) and “Amotivation” using Vallerand et al. (1992) Academic Motivation Scale as a guide. 462 university students representing a range of academic fields were surveyed to collect the necessary data for the study. Grade point averages, or GPAs, are used to quantify academic success and used as a parameter to judge academic achievement. Descriptive analysis indicated that primary source of motivation for female university students are intrinsic whereas for male it was external. However, there were no significant differences in their motivation and achievements. GPA’s showed positive correlation with all the constructs of academic motivation. The only factor that could significantly predict GPAs were “Amotivation” and intrinsic motivation for accomplishment according to multiple regression analysis.

Keywords: Academic Motivation, Academic Achievement, Academic Motivation Scale, “Amotivation”, Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, North-East India.

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