Developing Assamese Information Retrieval System Considering NLP Techniques: an attempt for a low resourced language

Anup Kumar Barman, Jumi Sarmah, Shikhar Kumar Sarma


This paper engulfs the activities involved in developing a Monolingual Information Retrieval (IR) system for an Indo-Aryan language- Assamese. In a multilingual country like India, where 23 official languages exist, the task of digitizing local language contents is growing tremendously. To meet the need of each individual’s relevant information, monolingual Information Retrieval in own language is very essential. The work aims to develop a search engine that retrieves relevant information for the fired query in one's respective language. Various Linguists, Researchers collaborated with the work, provided valuable information and developed various important resources. Many informative resources, language resources, tools & technologies were research, analyze, develop and applied in implementing the overall pipeline. The search engine is frame worked on open search platforms- Solr and Nutch with NLP applications embedded in it. Computational Linguistics or Natural Language Processing (NLP) enhances the performance of the IR system. Each phase of the system is being elaborately described in this paper and explained step-wise. This work is a remarkable contribution to Assamese language technology and an important application of NLP.

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