Schiff’s base Fufural Phenylhydrazone as a Potential Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Solution

Arjun G. Kalkhambkar, Rajappa S. K


Heterocyclic Schiff base furfural phenylhydrazone [FPH] was prepared and formulated as a corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 2M hydrochloric acid solution. Mass change measurement and electrochemical methods adapted to study the effectiveness of the FPH during the corrosion process. FPH inhibitor protected 94.53 % corrosion of mild steel at optimum inhibitor strength of 0.0007 M at 303 ±1 K. Route of corrosion protection was interpreted through adsorption of FPH molecules on specimen surfaces in acid solution. Nature of the adsorption was established via Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Stability of the inhibitor was investigated with higher temperatures. Tafel polarization curves revealed, FPH molecules exhibit mixed nature of inhibitor. SEM and AFM images suggested that corroded specimen surface was severely affected in free acid comparatively in presence of FPH inhibitor. FT-IR analysis proved that, chemical interaction takes place between specimen surface atoms with FPH molecules and established chemical bond between them.

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