Fuzzy document classification using ontology based approach for term weighting

Aijazahamed Qazi


With the surge in web corpus, document classification is a vital issue in information retrieval. Term weighting increases the accuracy of classification for documents represented in the vector space model. This paper proposes an ontoTf-idf term weighting method based on the assessment of semantic similarity between the group label and the term. In this paper, a comparative analysis of the performance of the traditional Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (Tf-idf) method and ontoTf-idf method is carried on the WebKB and Reuters-21578 benchmark datasets. The efficiency of ontoTf-idf method is validated with kNN (k nearest neighbor) and Fuzzy kNN classifier on the WebKB and Reuters-21578 datasets. The experimental results obtained with the proposed ontoTf-idf method outperform the Tf-idf method. In the proposed work, distance metrics like Euclidean distance, Cosine similarity, Manhattan distance, and Jaccard co-efficient are applied with Fuzzy kNN classifier on the WebKB and Reuters-21578 dataset.

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