Sunita Pandit Ugale, Dinesh Chandwadkar, Abhinav Joshi, Rutwick Joshi, Mahak Jain


Radio astronomers and Researchers have detected numerous neutron stars in our galaxy, and they also predicted the Existence of many more neutron stars in space. Pulsars are very peculiar, yet almost inscrutable celestial objects. This is an object which is impelling radiation into space closest to the speed of light. Neutron stars are the most interesting galactic bodies to mankind. The things that hold us during the whole study are the fascinating properties of pulsar i.e. high density, a small diameter, strong gravity, and strong magnetic field. As the peculiar properties and the extreme nature of pulsar continue to disclose this catches the attention of Astronomers. Pulsars are distant objects. So, it is very tedious job to capture the radiations coming from it for this we have designed a system which consist of an Antenna, Filters, Amplifiers and Receiver. The signal we capture through the antenna will undergo signal processing to extract the Pulse which is buried in noise. The techniques used here are the fast-folding algorithm (FFA) and Fast Fourier transform (FFT) are explained along. By this whole study to building a system and performed signal processing and obtained the Pulse.

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