Microcontroller-based Cable Fault and Insulation Flaw Detection in Low-Voltage Cables

Baskhemlang Rynjah, Ferdinand Lyngdoh, Marqueen Mary Sun, Bikramjit Goswami


The objective of the work presented here is to detect the exact location of fault or insulation flaw in electrical cables. As described in this report, the system uses two methods. The first one is the principle of a Varley loop to determine the exact distance of the fault in the underground cable up to the accuracy of a meter. When any fault like short circuit and earth fault occurs, the length of the fault of the cable can be determined from the fault resistance using the bridge in the Varley loop. The other method is based on electromagnetic sensing and finds the exact location of the fault. When the current flows through the cable, an electromagnetic field is induced, which is sensed by an inductive coil connected to the electronic amplifier circuit. The microcontroller is used to make the necessary calculations and display the fault distance after that. It also captures the signal from the amplifier and shows a fault or no-fault condition based on the program. This method is a cheaper and simpler alternative to existing ones for detecting cable insulation flaw.


Varley loop; Underground Cable Fault, Arduino; ADC Cable Insulation Flaw; Inductive Electromagnetic Radiation; Arduino.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Baskhemlang Rynjah, Ferdinand Lyngdoh, Marqueen Mary Sun, Bikramjit Goswami

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