Stability Improvement of Power System due to Wind Farm and Fault using FACTS Devices

Julene Seka H. Thabah, Darihun Sawkmie, Maitshaphrang Lyngdoh, Smriti Dey


Wind energy is gaining the most interest among a variety of renewable energy resources, but the disadvantage is that wind power generation is intermittent, depending on weather conditions. FACTS devices are used to increase the transient stability on the presence of faults and the integration of renewable sources, like wind energy. Due to continuously varying wind speed components and also due to fault the active and reactive power along with terminal voltage fluctuates continuously. STATCOM and UPFC are two important FACTS devices; provide the desired reactive-power generation and absorption, entirely using electronic processing of the voltage and current waveforms in a voltage source converter (VSC). By connecting STATCOM and UPFC into the lines, the active power, reactive power, and terminal voltage is maintained constant and it also helps to improve the transient stability of the system. STATCOM can control voltage magnitude and, to a small extent, the phase angle in a very short time and UPFC can control voltage magnitude as well as phase angle and therefore, can improve the system performance. In this paper, improvement of transient stability in wind farm under fault have been studied using STATCOM and UPFC in MATLAB SIMULINK software.


Transient Stability, Wind farm, FACTS, STATCOM, UPFC

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