An Approach to improve the Performance of Total Cross-tied connected PV array in Partial shading condition

Pritam Jamatia, Rupal Sristee, Kabir Bhattacharyya


Due to the partial shading condition (PSC) in solar PV systems, performance degrades to a large extent. To overcome from this problem bypass diode is used which creates the problem of multiple local maxima. Therefore, total cross-tied (TCT) connection is introduced in the literature, which improves the performance of PV systems in PSC without using bypass diode. But the performance improvement in TCT connection is also limited. Because for some particular shading pattern the efficiency cannot be improved beyond a certain limit. In line with this, an algorithm is proposed in this paper through which the performance of a PV array can be improved. Here, the performance of a PV array is improved by distributing the shading effect on the entire PV array, which reduces the mismatch losses and to enhance the power output of the PV array.


Photovoltaic; Equalizer; Solar Irradiance; Shading Effect; Mismatch losses

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