Is there a Role for Ubuntu Embedded in Social Work Practice— Particularly Relating to Migrants and Refugees?

Natalie Joubert, Rachel J Freeman J Freeman


Forced migration and displacement due to climate changes and environmental disasters is an international issue social workers are key players in ameliorating some of the distress that displaced persons’ experience. This is often challenging, particularly if there are cultural divides between service providers and clients. Namibia and Finland both have populations of displaced individuals and both struggle with these same issues. Each however, has expertise which if shared could result in a new paradigm to address this problem. Well-developed services in Finland may lack recognition of culturally based emotional needs while community sensitive Namibian services can benefit from Nordic organizational experience. The University of Namibia Cares model and Finnish experience of increasing migrant populations are a potential nexus for collaboration. UBUNTU, an indigenous view of the individual in society, can be the platform underpinning discussion and mutual learning. Mental health, loneliness and children are key areas in both settings. Social workers who promote UBUNTU-based developmental community social work, potentially link both micro- and macro practices thereby addressing marginalization and exclusion of individuals, groups and communities, particularly in migrant and refugee populations. We performed a rigorous literature review of the following elements: migrants, displaced persons, UBUNTU, Social services in Namibia and Finland and acculturation.  We present a discussion based on the evidence in the literature and the lived experience of migrants in the two countries. In this context weaddress community development through Social Work and bridging cultures through Ubuntu as a philosophy of social development. We reflect on the question whether there a place for Ubuntu in international, collaborative social work practice.


Migration, integration, cultures, social work, Ubuntu

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