Influences of religious belief and cultural values and norms on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) adoption: Insights from Northern Ghana

Stephen Uwumbordo Nachibi, Eugene Muobom Ganee, Anthony Kwame Morgan


Agricultural decision-making processes and the uptake of farming practices are often driven by assets, resource ownership and access, including cultural values, and religious beliefs.Yet there are limited studies on how the religious belief and cultural value systems affect the adoption of CSA practices among farmers in Ghana. This study examined the influences of religious belief and cultural values on CSA adoption among farmers in Nandom District of Ghana’s Upper West Region, Ghana. A qualitative approach involving 35 in-depth interviews and 4 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) was used to gather data from farmers. We found that: people`s belief system about climate change affects their adoption of CSA practices;value systemsinfluence their willingness to adopt certain CSA practices;religious belief and traditional values are essential factors with greater influence in agricultural decision-making process.Working with belief and value systems is crucial for scaling up CSA practices. 


Climate-smart agriculture, adoption, religious beliefs, traditional values and norms, Northern Ghana

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