Workplace Happiness: Exploring the Factors Shaping Academics’ Subjective Well-being

Nishath Anjum, Md. Afsarul Islam


Workplace happiness plays an indispensable role to improve employees’ well-being as well as the productivity of the organization. Thus, most organizations today are very concerned about issues related to the happiness of their employees and focus on the factors that affect the happiness of employees on the job. This study attempts to explore the factors which determine the work happiness of academics. A self-administered questionnaire was developed and circulated to academics at four private universities in Sylhet City, Bangladesh. A total of 141 respondents have participated in this study and the workplace happiness of academics was estimated based upon six constructs (Organizational Culture, Remuneration, Job Security & Career Advancement, Interpersonal Relationships, The Work itself, Autonomy & Feedback). This study used the reliability test of the survey questions together with descriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple regression analysis to measure the impact of variables on happiness at work. The results showed that three of the variables studied (relationships, autonomy and feedback and compensation) had the most significant impact on academic workplace happiness than other constructs. However, this study also revealed the importance of other constructs in shaping academic work happiness. The findings of the study will surely help the private university owners or policymakers as well as the other service industries to better understand the factors influencing employees’ workplace happiness and designing appropriate policies to ensure the subjective well-being of their workers.

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