Trading Opportunities for Wind Generators in Indian Electricity Market

Jesif Ahmed, Saurabh Chanana


In many countries wind generation is now treated at par with other forms of generation and is traded in power exchanges. In the Indian market, the wind generators still rely on preferential tariffs and risk free bilateral agreements. However, well organized market structure is already in place to ensure efficient trading of wind electricity through power exchange. There is also a renewable energy certificate mechanism, also traded through power exchange to promote the renewable energy generators. An unscheduled interchange mechanism is in place to ensure appropriate handling of imbalances due to unpredictable and intermittent nature of wind generators. The analysis done in this paper shows that in India, trading of wind electricity through the power exchange would be a better option in most scenarios.

Keywords: Bilateral Trading, Power Exchange, Renewable Energy Certificates, Unscheduled Interchange, Wind power.

Cite as:Jesif Ahmed, Saurabh Chanana "Trading Opportunities for Wind Generators in Indian Electricity Market", ADBU J.Engg.Tech., 2(1)(2015) 0021104(6pp)

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India Energy Exchange,


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