Applications of Chatbots & AI Image Generators

Gurneesh Singh Banga, Arnav Sadana, Prateek Pandey, Shruti Gupta


This research digs into the domain of testing and evaluating chatbots and im-age-generation AI bots which are wide-ranging applications. While these AI systems hold promise in enhancing user experience and operational efficiency, their deployment necessitates rigorous inspection. Chatbots are integral to customer service and demand precision and reliability. Image-generation AI focuses on output quality. To ensure its responsible use, vigorous testing and evaluation are necessary. The research will evaluate the current state of chat-bots and AI image generators, revealing gaps in outcomes and ethical considerations. This study contributes to the responsible and effective deployment of chatbots and image-generation AI bots, to pave the way for their continued integration into our daily lives and businesses.

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