Simplified Intelligent Parking System using ESP32 Microcontroller

Adekunle Oyelami, Victor Awolere, Olusola Akintunlaji


Internet of Things, IoT, provides a cloud-enabled platform for devices to send and receive information over the internet. This study is based on the design and construction of a real-time cloud enabled automated parking system. The model is characterized by using a node MCU ESP32 microcontroller with IR sensors, servo motors, LCD display with I2C and buzzer. When the IR sensor at the gate senses the presence of a car, the servo motor at the entry gate enables opening of the gate and a counting sequence is initiated. When the count gets to the specified number nine, the entry gate no longer opens. When the car parks at the slot, signal is sent from the IR sensor at the slot to the ESP32 microcontroller which updates its server and also updates the website. The ESP32 web server is also is equally updated whenever a car leaves its slot which in turn updates the web server. The IR sensor at the exit gate senses and sends signal to the servo motor which aids opening of the exit gate anytime a car wants to exit and this also leads to a deduction in count which is displayed by the LCD. The developed system simplifies the requisite intelligent operations for automated parking garage in addition to making information available on parking slots sent over the cloud through the internet

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