Optimum Replacement of Coarse Aggregate by Steel Slag and Fine Aggregate by Waste Glass Powder

Md Rehan, Shreeja Kacker


Glass is one of the world's oldest and most commonly used materials. Glass has a fairly short shelf life in its current condition. Reusing this waste in construction materials is one alternative for safe environmental and economic disposal. The waste glass will be used to substitute fine aggregate in the following proportions: 0%, 10%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 40%, and 50%. This study will go over properties such as compressive strength. Another attempt was made to replace coarse aggregate with steel slag because there is a growing interest in using waste materials as alternative aggregate materials and significant research is being conducted on the use of many different materials as aggregate substitutes such as coal ash, blast furnace slag, and steel slag aggregate. By altering the quantity of steel slag, different concrete mixtures were created Steel slag is to be substituted for coarse aggregate in the following proportions: 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90%. Compressive strength of concrete to be reviewed, as well as another attempt at combined replacement by replacing both fine aggregate and coarse aggregate with waste glass powder and steel slag, while maintaining the optimum replacement of glass powder constant and varying the percentage replacement of steel slag with coarse aggregate in proportions of 0%,10%,20% up to 80%, and thus finding the combined optimum replacement of coarse and fine aggregates with steel slag and waste glass powder in terms of compressive strength of concrete.

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