Travel Demand Modelling of work trips for Nashik city, Maharashtra, India

Darshankumar Patel, Bikram Prasad


Models based on trip have been developed over a period of time. This models which is based on trips uses the individual trips as the major factor for analysis in modelling. In this paper four step trip based model developed for the Nashik. In first step Pilot study was conducted in city to collect the necessary data after that multiple regression method is used to derive trip production regression equation. This is used for calculating existing and projected trip production. In second step existing and projected trip distribution is calculated and mapped. In third step for modal split analysis binary logit model is used to calculate mode choice. In last step the shortest path between zones is drawn from network analysis in Arc-GIS.Based on the travel demand modelling for work trip shows that maximum number of peoples are using private mode of transportation for trip rather than public transport.

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