Application of Innovative Cost effective flow resistivity measurement system for Acoustic Performance Analysis of Natural fibers

Pravin Popat Hujare, Dr. Deepak P Hujare, Dr.Prashant W Deshmukh, Rajesh Askhedkar, Rohit Patil


In design of the interior of car, workplace and companies, acoustic material plays very important role. To attenuate unwanted noise, passive noise control technique using acoustic material is used extensively. The non-biodegradable synthetic acoustic material, which are used nowadays cause environmental pollution. This environmental pollution motivates researchers to find eco-friendly and sustainable acoustic materials as an alternative sound absorber. Research is going on to find new acoustic materials for many industrial and domestic applications. The value of sound absorption coefficient has correlation with frequency of sound. Hence, it would be very helpful if the characteristic acoustic properties of these materials are known prior using them for a particular application. This paper presents the utilization of new flow resistivity measurement set up. This flow resistivity set up is developed as per ASTM C522-03 standard. Delany-Bazley model can be used to predict sound absorption coefficient using flow resistivity values. The numerical analysis using MATLAB program based on Delany-Bazley models is made to determine sound absorption coefficient of material prepared from natural fibers of sugarcane waste, wheat straw and PU foam, Glass wool. The sound absorption coefficients of all four materials are also obtained by experimental investigation using impedance tube as per ASTM E 1050 standard. Comparisons of the experimental and the numerical results confirm that the sound absorption coefficients of all material are well corroborated.

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