Calculation of Electric and Magnetic Field under AC Transmission and Distribution Lines in Guwahati City

Manash Jyoti Baishya, Satyajit Bhuyan, N K Kishore


With the increasing population rate and industrial growth rate, the demand for power has escalated significantly. High Voltage AC transmission can be termed as one of the measures to quench this increasing energy demands. This paper evaluates the safety limits for electric and magnetic fields generated around the AC transmission and distribution lines at various voltage levels and configuration. Surface current density for an average height human being has also been calculated for safety precautions.

Keywords: Safety limits, electric field, magnetic field, surface current density

*Cite as: Manash Jyoti Baishya, Satyajit Bhuyan, N.K.Kishore, “Calculation of Electric and Magnetic Field under AC Transmission and Distribution Lines in Guwahati City†ADBU J.Engg.Tech., 1(2014) 0011406(5pp)

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