Incorporating Edge Information in Digital Halftoning

Yumnam Kirani Singh


Digital halftoning is the process of generating a binary image preserving gray shade information so as to make the binary image appears visually similar to gray image. It was used in printing machines and display devices to produce binary images having gray shades. Ordered dithering and error diffusion methods are two most popular methods to generate halftone image. Generally, in a halftone image, the edges become blurred or loses its sharpness. Edges carry significant information of the foreground objects in an image and increase visual clarity by distinguishing the objects from background. A method is proposed to generate edge sharpened halftone images using a strong unsharp masks. Such edge sharpened halftone images are visually more pleasing and informative as compared with the normal halftone images. The proposed method is found to be better than Xin-Li’s edge-adaptive method of generating halftone images.

Keywords: Digital halftoning, edge enhancement, unsharp masking, error diffusion, Sierra’s Filter

*Cite as: Yumnam Kirani Singh, “Incorporating Edge Information in Digital Halftoning†ADBU J.Engg Tech., 1(2014) 0011403(6pp)

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An useful source on techniques of Digital Halftoning

Ji-Hwei Horng, “Edge Preserving Halftoning based on the Error Diffusion Technique†http://jhhorng.sg1005. halftoning0402.pdf


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