An Implementation of Real-time Automatic Masked and Unmasked Face Recognition Using LBPH Algorithm

Zankruti Ashok Arya, Vibha Tiwari


Face recognition is an important research in computer vision technology. Face recognition is biometric technologies which identify identities from their visual features of face images. There are many challenges to make a face recognition system like light illumination, pose variation, angle of face, distance between face and camera. But Due to COVID-19 one of the biggest challenge is added into the challenge list which is detect and recognize person face with facemask. Here the research is based on a real-time automatic masked and unmasked face recognition system. This is implementing using OpenCV, Haar Cascade and LBPH Algorithm which is able to detect and recognize a single person and multiple(two) person at a time with and without facemask. And also recognize multiple authorized persons when one-person ware facemask and another person didn’t ware facemask.

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The ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology (AJET)" ISSN:2348-7305

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