IoT Gateway Security Mechanism for Efficient Network Establishment using Blockchain Implementation

Rajesh kumar sharma


With the progressive growth in the deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, security and protection of the huge volume of IoT data transmission has become a remarkable issue. IoT is basically a type of heterogeneous network composed of several devices and protocols. In this paper, an IoT gateway security mechanism is proposed for efficient IoT network establishment using blockchain technology as a most effective and potential security technique on the basis of hit rate, total system hit rate and average response time of the network. A low powered device through IoT gateway is simulated that is decentralized and employed with blockchain implementation. Proposed model carries a series of IoT devices that wirelessly communicate with each other. A server-client model is applied to each IoT device to communicate for application process. The simulated results show the significance of blockchain technology as compared to centralized network. This work can bring many significant applications in industrial process and business.

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The ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology (AJET)" ISSN:2348-7305

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