An estimation of long endurance power supply system for a rotary wing unmanned aerial vehicle

HONEY DAS, N.D. Choudhury, C Gupta


The vast applications of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) have made it versatile. However, this battery powered vehicle has a short flight time thereby limiting its performance. Therefore, this paper represents the analysis of two power systems to obtain a better performing system with longer duration. Thus, to obtain a long endurance power system, the regular battery was compared to the tethering mechanism power supplier. The power utilized by the two systems differed, hence, the performance parameters were compared to obtain feasibility of the system. Both the theoretical and experimental parameters were evaluated to estimate the accuracy. The comparative experiments would help to implement better device for the tethering mechanism to increase its efficiency and comprehend its durability.

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The ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology (AJET)" ISSN:2348-7305

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