Centralized Air Pollution Detection and Monitoring: A Review

Udit Ranjan Kalita, Heniel Kashyap, Amir Chetri, Jesif Ahmed


Air pollution has become a major concern over the last quarter century and therefore mitigation of poor air quality for health and environmental reasons has been a primary focus for local governments. Industrialization and increasing number of vehicles are the primary source of pollution. There is ever rising need for continuous monitoring of air quality. A lot of technologies have introduced for measuring the air pollution. This paper presents a comparative study of the available technologies. Comparisons have been done based on measured pollutants, sensitivity, range, implementation cost, level of complexity etc., which are provided in tabular form for easy comparison. Paper also includes a proposed model which is an idea to implement the same as a real time project for air pollution detection and monitoring using microcontroller and Wi-Fi module.


Centralized Air pollution, particulate matter (PM), Sensor, Wi-Fi module, Arduino, Microcontroller

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