Design of Horizontal Axis Micro Wind Turbine for Low Wind Speed Areas

Deibanehbok Nongdhar, Bikramjit Goswami, Pallav Gogoi, Sidharth Borkataky


Micro wind turbines play an important role in becoming the alternative technology in the generation of electricity because of the increase in fossil fuel prices and the increase in demand for renewable energy sources. Similarly, Wind energy is becoming one of the best renewable sources of energy for generation of electricity because of the fact that wind is a clean and unbounded source of renewable energy. This paper presents the ideas of designing a horizontal axis small-sized wind turbine or horizontal axis micro wind turbine for low wind speed areas to produce electricity. A small-sized wind turbine or micro wind turbine is a type of turbine that converts the kinetic energy of wind into electrical energy and it is used to generate power for small power needs. It can also be used in many applications like homes, villages, and so on, requiring a very low cost for installation and maintenance.


Micro Wind Turbine, Renewable Energy, HAWT, VAWT.

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