Design and Implementation of a Microcontroller-based Automatic Temperature-sensing Relay

Winnie Dkhar


A temperature-based relay is designed using a microcontroller, which can be programmed easily for changed settings. The system is built around an Arduino Uno microcontroller that is connected to relays, an LED, and an LM35 temperature sensor. The temperature sensor provides an electrical output corresponding to the temperature in °C and can be used to measure temperature. To determine the temperature of a given room, the Arduino Uno microcontroller decodes the temperature reading from the temperature sensor and compares it to a temperature value that has been set through the program. The microprocessor then automatically switches the relay ON or OFF depending on the comparison algorithm, which is indicated by an LED turning ON or OFF. The primary goal of this work was to design and build an automatic temperature-controlled relay, based on a microcontroller. It has been accomplished with high accuracy. The relay tested for different temperature conditions shows a wide variability in the range of operation. This experimental work serves as an example of how embedded systems are used in electrical device design.


LM35; Arduino UNO; LED; temperature relay.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Winnie Dkhar

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