Voltage Stability Analysis of Electrical Transmission System Using Reactive Power Sensitivity Indicator

Kabir Chakraborty, Dipa Sen, Saptadeep Chakraborty, Ankita Bhowmik


Nowadays the biggest challenge of the electrical power transmission system is voltage collapse. As a result, these days a major outlook has been paid with the aid of a variety of research on voltage stability. In this paper, a method has been introduced to determine the voltage stability of an IEEE 14-bus power system. This technique is based on Reactive Power Sensitivity Indicator. Using this indicator, weak buses are identified among the 14 buses of the system under study. Newton-Raphson method of Load Flow Analysis is coded in MATLAB programming to find out different parameters of the IEEE 14-bus system and used for stability analysis. A FACTS device has been installed in the weakest bus to enhance the voltage stability of the network. The results exhibit the effectiveness of the proposed technique.


Voltage Collapse Point; Reactive Power Sensitivity Indicator; Voltage Stability; Static VAR Compensator (SVC)

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