Microstrip Patch Antenna for MIMO based WLAN Application: A Review

Faizan Yasin Bhat, Monika Mehra


In today’s life, wireless communication is an emerging means of data transmission. The application such as mobile, satellite, government as well as commercial required low profile, high performance with minimum cost antenna. The antenna is the intermediate between the device and the people for the data transmission and reception process. The data might be available in any form i.e., audio, video, or image form. Mobile broadcasting of LTE digital stream is directly related to new 4G developments. Taking a 3G network for analysis, one can find that its data transfer rate is 11 times lower than 5G. Nevertheless, the speed of both receiving and broadcasting LTE data is often of poor quality. This is due to a lack of power or signal strength that the 5G LTE modem receives from the station. 5G MIMO antennas are being introduced to significantly improve the quality of information distribution. MIMO is the distribution of several streams of information at once through just one channel, followed by their passage through a pair or more antennas before reaching independent receiving devices for broadcasting radio waves. Presently, the use of wireless communication is increasing very rapidly in human’s day to day life as well as in any industry. The applications such as Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WIMAX and ISM are the few applications, which are the foremost need of any electronic system operated by radio means. The antenna developers aim to design a compact, low profile, low-cost high-performance antenna. This paper aims to survey the existing work performed by many researchers using different configurations and technical aspects to obtain a high-performance WLAN antenna.


Bluetooth; DGS; ISM; Microstrip Patch Antenna; MIMO; WLAN; WiMAX; Slotting Technique.

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