Realization of Fractance Device using Continued Fraction Expansion Method

Battula Tirumala Krishna


The realization of fractional-order circuits is an emerging area of research for people working in the areas of control systems, signal processing and other related fields. In this paper, an attempt is made to realize fractance devices. The continued fraction expansion formula is used to calculate the fractance device's rational approximation. For the simulation in the experimentation, the third-order approximation for fractional order, α = -1/2, -1/3, -1/4 is used. For the aim of mathematical simulation, the MATLAB platform was used. The proposed rational approximation is used to create a circuit. The TINA programme is used to simulate circuits. It has been discovered that the simulation and theoretical conclusions are in agreement.


Continued fraction expansion; Fractance device; Fractional order; Magnitude Response; Phase Response; Rational approximation; Simulation

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