Design and Development of Automation System For Biofloc Fish Farming

Sankijuh C Phawa, Iaraplang Ryntathiang, Wandame Shylla, Gitu Das


Biofloc technology is an emerging environment friendly indoor aquaculture system that degrades organic waste by microorganisms and produces microbial flocs which are used as feed for the cultured organisms. Fish production in biofloc system is very high and hence this technology has gained increased popularity. However optimal control of the biofloc environment is necessary for obtaining a high yield. In this paper an automation system is designed for maintaining the temperature of the biofloc tank at the optimal value corresponding to the type of fish cultured. Temperature sensor has been used to measure the water temperature, which is processed by an Arduino board to control a heater immersed in the tank. An experimental set up has been developed to test the system.


Aquaculture; Arduino; Assimilation; Biofloc; Physicochemical; pH

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