Autonomous Tour Guide Robot using RF Module

Vishnu Prasad S, T. Shanmugananthan


Tourists and tourist locations are a major source of income to any country’s economy. A good tourist location can help improve the economic standard of a place. So it is very important that there are adequate measures to improve the tourism sector. The best way to see and enjoy a place is on our own, because when we find out a thing on our own, the experience remains with us ever. This is the main idea that brought us to make this project. We are presenting in this paper a tour guide robot that will take tourists through a location of interest, using a robot navigator. The device is equipped with an Arduino module that controls the device. The user needs to use a mobile application to pair with the device and start the robot, once started it will take the user to different locations and will inform him of the details or importance of each location. The device is also equipped with a panic button and a heart-rate sensor that helps to inform the authorities if any emergency situation arises.


Arduino; Heart-rate sensor; Mobile Application; Rotary encoder

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