Intention to use mobile wallet by youths in northeast India

Pradeep Kumar Deka


This study aims to understand the implication of established variables/factors on intention to use mobile wallet by youths, especially in the North-Eastern Part of India. The factors are identified through the literature review. A questionnaire with elements from established scales which were then customized for the study was used to collect data (Received valid 119 samples). Partial Least Square based Structural Equation Modelling through SmartPLS v3.0 was used to understand the effect of factors on the use intention and on the validity and reliability of the constructs used in the model. The study revealed that use intention is significantly influenced by attitude towards the mobile wallet, perceived security, and perceived usefulness. Whereas the attitude towards the mobile wallet is significantly influenced by facilitating conditions and perceived compatibility. Social influence and promotions were also found to influence use intention of the mobile wallet.

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