Evaluation and Improvement of Distribution System Reliability Indices using ETAP Software

K. Raju, P. Praveen Kumar, G. N. Srinivas


Reliability assessment is the most important factor in designing and planning of distribution system that should operate in an economical manner with minimal interruption of customer loads. This is due to the fact that the distribution system provides the final link between a utility transmission system and its customers. It is observed that more than 80% of all customer interruptions occur (i.e., power quality issues) due to component failures in the distribution system. That report quantifies the expected reliability indices such as interruption frequency and interruption duration during the entire year. Many research findings are out there to assess the reliability of the power system. Further, due to the wide growth of distributed generation in electrical power, investigating their impact on system reliability, it becomes an attractive area of research. In this paper, the reliability evaluation of distribution system using a minimal cut set method based on the FMEA technique is described and applied to the IEEE RBTS Bus-2 and Indian practical distribution system (33/11 kV). Development of ETAP software is presented for calculating reliability indices. Further, improvement of reliability with introducing of Distributed Generation is presented. Reliability indices are load point indices and system indices which includes, System Average Interruption Frequency Indices (SAIFI), System Average Interruption Duration Indices (SAIDI), Customer Average Interruption Frequency Indices (CAIFI), Customer Average Interruption Duration Indices (CAIDI), Energy Not Supplied (ENS), Average Energy Not Supplied (AENS), etc. These indices are shows the reliability performance of the system.


Distributed Generation; IEEE RBTS BUS 2; Indian practical Parigi distribution system (33/11 kV); Reliability indices of Distribution System.

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Copyright (c) 2020 K. Raju, P. Praveen Kumar, G. N. Srinivas

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